Tag Archives: extrication

Deltamed, the official winner of the contract for special vehicles dedicated to extrication in emergency situations

Following the open tender procedure applied for the conclusion of the framework agreement regarding “Autospecials for vehicle extrication” – participation notice no. CN1008575 from 28.01.2019, published on the website www.e-licitatie.ro – the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, as contracting authority, declared Deltamed’s offer to be a winner, through an official communication issued during this summer and reinforced by the actual signature of both the framework agreement and a first subsequent contract. After applying the award criterion (the best value for money) and the calculation algorithm associated with the participation announcement, our offer accumulated the maximum score of 100 points.


The financial proposal corresponding to the maximum estimated quantity of the framework agreement, based on the technical proposal presented, is worth 15,841,400 euros excluding VAT.


The special vehicles will be destined for the intervention including extrication and rescue in case of the different types of traffic accidents (both car and train), technological accidents or catastrophes, in order to release the imprisoned persons and to grant the first qualified help, at the place of the events.


The framework agreement was concluded and signed with the first 3 economic operators who submitted admissible offers, ranking secondly the technical and financial proposal resulting from the association of companies S.C. Stimpex S.A. and S.C. Starc4sys S.R.L., and on the 3rd place – those resulting from the participation by association of companies S.C. Romprim S.A. and S.C. Grădinariu Truck Solutions S.R.L.


The first subsequent contract was signed on 6.09.2019 and requires the delivery of 60 fully equipped cars according to the agreed specifications (out of the maximum total number of 100 cars included in the framework agreement) until 20.07.2020.

photo: prototype rendering
